Saturday, September 26, 2020

 Thanks to a friends Lecture. Raju read about Shirin Neshat

Raju wants to go but he doesn't want to go.
Raju wants to study but doesn't want to study.



Like a cool breeze, she touched the house/wedding-altar, but not the cot;
Slender and beautiful like the moon, yet her skin singes when I touch her;
Was there ever a sky that refused to listen to the melody of Bhoopalam?

Like droplets on a lotus petal, the lord and his wife live together;
Why the need for garlands and drum beats, when you wish to live as friends?
Bereft of a meaningful relationship, with no closeness or emotional ties, tell me,
Oh flower, what is your life like?

Life is not a stage, to depart after the drama ends;
Neither is our relationship a river, to change courses ever so often and continue on its journey;
Even the silver moon travels with the sky, why won't you come with me?


The Patriarchy Series

The Patriarchy Series 
(24th March 2020 to 31st May 2020)