Friday, February 25, 2011

Its so annoying when you want it
but want to avoid,
It but it keeps happening.
Its like the clover in the Biriyani.
Biriyani is the only way to salvation.

Radha : Is this a casting couch?
Raju : No, its my first step to wards freedom!
Radha : Rubbish, You are a block head*.
Raju : Just cannot imagine the couch of freedom is with me.
Radha : Is it black?
Raju : Its grey. The color of the average or the average of the Black and Whites.
Radha : Mean u mean?
Raju : No, nothing is extra ordinary, its all average.
Radha : So why do people get awards, ranks, marks or leave that what about
surprises and excitement.
Raju : They want to make sure everyone is average and in the loop.
Radha : You are jealous. I know. What if I am not average!
Raju : Then you are MEAN.

Digital Zoom is like masturbation.
A National Waste.

One day there was a boy.
But that day there was a boy.

One day there was a girl.
But that day there was no girl.

One there was a B Arch.
Now there is no B Arch.

The only way to make a new idea is to make another old one.

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy
Autocad taught you ?
Did it ?
No No No No.
Water taught you?
No No No No.
Then why did u mirror me ?
To each truth is a convenience to mirror themselves .
No No No No.
I | I

There is Raju,
Who saved the Plane,
There is Raju,
Who killed the Cat,
There is Raju,
Now there is no Raju.
Attitude can neither be created nor be destroyed.