Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Technology always has its own aesthetic mind !

Perception is always Per-capita !

Aa Aaaaa 
Ee Eeeeeeeeeeeee
Uu Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Since we have two eyes we never see things straight frontal everything is at an angle but 
our camera can see things straight on frontal.

Such stupid logic can be called 'a theory'. Raju has been trying to prove it.

Usually cleaning becomes the process of making things dirty.

Photography is not always about capturing things you cant do. 
Horrible ! 

Raju once said the only question is "Who am I ?"
Sorry, there is one more question "Are you having fun ?"

Courtesy : Arun Gupta (HOD Film and Video, NID Ahmedabad.)

Some people and institutions are a box full of human shit.
Raju has entered the box on a provisional basis.

Raju : Let me try to convert shit into useful bio-gas.
Box : Who said shit is not useful.

Digital = 0 and 1
Human = X and Y

The only difference is digital has done a phd and humans have not.

You know what is being literal ?

The above photo shows how to come out of the circle and use a square as a stepping stone towards unlocking the door.

If you ignore the human element Raju will never forgive you.

Architectural education and practice is only as open as the society in which it happens.

The window is closed but Raju just cant say it aloud !

We have to ban blind vehicles,
We need vehicles with a vision.

PIP +  \  \  =  RIR

Picture in picture is like the Raju that lives inside Raju.