Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Chocolate milk fell on my camera last week. 
Is that enough of an explanation?

 Will you please accept it or Raju will have to connect it to Indian culture ?

Perspective Vs Propaganda

Propaganda for a Perspective?
Perspective on a Propaganda?
But there are three Metal Cylinders in the picture.

P for Pomegranate 

To achieve immortality they ate all the Amruthanjan !
Now they are Joint Free and Muscle Pained.

Lets have all Perspectives they said. But they forgot to invite the opposition.

Radha: Sometimes Design makes sense.
Raju: I do not understand the 'process.' How can a process lead to anything.
Radha: If you do not follow a process, what will you do when intution is dead.
Raju: I will work in a post office. 
Radha: There you will have to follow a procedure.
Raju: Procedure, Process, Hierarchy all these words come from the same Latin term Prometheus
Radha: When did you learn latin? You are an idot.
Raju: No I am just following procedure.

In 2018 after using different still camera's for around 18-20 years Raju realizes that he is not good at photography. Photography requires a vision and an understanding of society, history, economics, politics and thus life with minute details. Going beyond technology is very tough. It requires systematic/non-systematic reading and thinking skills. If you ask Raju why did you shoot that blank wall? Raju is as blank as the wall.
The problem here is that cinema is also very similar.


Surveillance is like diabetes.
 If you eat sugar it increases and you are in trouble. If you don't eat enough sugar you collapse. Raju cannot control both.