Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Black Board

When you see you sea you sea,
When you draw you raw you raw,
When you know you now you dont know,
Why is it that Bee is after Aaa,
Honey is what the Bee likes then why put the A.

Raju saw a black board and turned into one last week!

What is a mango tree?
Its a dew drop in a leaf.
What is a fish?
Its a dew drop in a tank.
What is Raju?

Raju made choices which lead him to no-mans land.

24th August 2011 - Architectural Design S9 & PG Computer Application - 5hrs

"The role of a teacher is not to impart knowledge but to make the students think."

19th August 2011 - Architectural Design - 5hrs

College is a method to see yourself!
Find yourself!

17th August 2011 - Climatology & Architectural Design - 3hrs

PPT PPT everywhere but not a drop to drink.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

12th August 2011 - Architectural Design - 5hrs

People run so hard that they forget to see where they are going!
She cried, everyone felt sad. Why do people have pity? Pity can be called the happyness that ' I am not in their situ.'

10th August 2011 | Climatology - 1hr | Architectural Design - 2hrs
Once upon a time Bhow went to school, to fetch a pale of water donno what he did there he came down with a daughter. Bhow was annoyed at the attention and the arrangement that happened.
The people looked least interested.

What do you do when 'Marks' is all u want but 'Marx' is all u want.